Electrical Contractors & Service Providers

Electrical Installations for: INDUSTRIAL ~ COMMERICAL ~ RESIDENTIAL
* Design Build
* Voice/Data
* Generator Provide & Install
* Video Surveillance Provide & Install
* Preventive Maintenance Including ~
Re-torqueing electrical terminations and IR scanning of the following, although not limited to:
* Panels
* Breakers
* Motors
* Switches
* Outlets
SPECIALTY SERVICES include Lighting Packages
* Site Lighting (parking lot pole lights, wall packs, landscape lighting, etc.)
* Energy efficient lighting retrofits
* Facility Specific Lighting Maintenance packages available
One example of a Facility Specific Lighting Maintenance Package: Monthly or bi-monthly visits to observe and inspect all exterior lighting fixtures are in proper working order. Package would also includes a property specific schematic and a current log of all routine maintenance performed.